Our Committees
The Main Street Approach was developed by the National Main Street Center, Inc. with the goal of economic development within the context of historic preservation. The following four points and eight guiding principles are integrated to create a positive, identifiable image for downtown districts.
The Four Point Approach
Economic Vitality
This committee’s focus is on strengthening the economic base of the Main Street district. This involves diversifying the commercial district economy by identifying potential market niches, finding new uses for vacant or underused spaces and improving business practices.
This committee’s focus is on enhancing the physical elements (buildings, signs, window displays, landscaping, and environment) of downtown while capitalizing on the unique assets that set the district apart. Using preservation-based strategies, Main Street encourages building reuse through appropriate rehabilitation and maintenance and provides education to help communities protect and manage their historic resources.
This committee’s focus is on building strong, broad-based support in the form of human and financial resources and involving both the public and private sectors with a stake in the downtown revitalization initiative. the grassroots, volunteer-driven initiative is dependent upon stakeholder involvement, leadership development, and empowerment, therefore primary focuses are fundraising, volunteer development, and communications.
This committee’s focus is on positioning the Main Street district as the center of the community and the hub of economic activity while creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics. When you begin promoting the downtown in a positive manner, a community can begin to focus on the commercial district as a source of community pride, social activity, and economic development.
What are people saying?
“A wonderful organization working on the betterment of the heart of our city. Make a difference and join in!”
“Volunteer organization that works hard to keep our downtown vibrant and thriving.”